New Mill Biogas
Deal Overview New Mill Biogas generates 16,000 MWh of electricity per annum that is exported to the national grid. Additionally, surplus heat from the combined heat and power (“CHP”) unit is used to dry digestate or wood chip pellets that is used as renewable fuel in biomass boilers. The facility processes cattle manure, chicken manure, […]
Blazers Group
Deal Overview Blazers Group owns 100% of Newbridge Energy Limited, and Blazers Fuels Limited, a trading subsidiary. Blazer Fuels manufactures and supplies 6mm ENPlus A1 wood pellets and is listed on the approved biomass suppliers list. The business has also been manufacturing the Blazers fuel logs (“Briquettes”) since 1999 and has a reputation for quality […]
Leeming Biogas
Leeming Biogas Deal Overview Leeming Biogas produces over 5 million m3 of biomethane per annum which is injected directly into the local gas grid and produces a PAS110 accredited digestate, which is spread on local farmlands. The project benefits from the government’s RHI biomethane, RHI heat and FIT subsidies. The AD plant was supplied by […]
Keithick Biogas
Deal Overview Keithick Biogas commenced operations in Q4 of 2014 and was the first gas to grid AD project operating in Scotland. The facility injects over 3 million m3 of biomethane into the grid each year and produces a PAS110 accredited Digestate, which is spread on local farmlands. The plant is operated by Iona Management […]
Howla Hay Biogas
Deal Overview Howla Hay Biogas was established in March 2013.The AD plant was supplied by PlanET and is capable of generating in excess of 3,000MWh per annum. The facility processes slurry, grass sileage, sugar beet and cattle manure and benefits from the FiTs subsidy associated with the production of electricity that is transmitted directly into […]
Haworth ASL
Deal Overview Haworth ASL is the first of a pipeline of projects that will deploy the proprietary technology of Envacet. Envacet has developed a waste recycling system that processes abattoir residues into tallow oil, high protein solids and effluent. The tallow can be used as a renewable energy source (biodiesel), the solids are used in […]
Gravel Pit Biogas
Deal Overview Iona Capital invested in Gravel Pit Biogas in September 2015 and is operated by IMS. The facility injects over 2.6-2.9 million m3 per annum of biomethane into the local gas grid. The AD plant was supplied by PlanET, a leading AD plant manufacturer that has completed over 400 biogas plants worldwide. The biogas […]
Cumbria Biogas
Deal Overview The investment by was to facilitate the acquisition of the plant, its full refurbishment to allow increased volumes of waste to be accepted at the site and to address previous under performance. In addition, it was intended to facilitate the plant’s expansion to allow for biogas boilers to be installed to maximise the […]
Crofthead Biogas
Deal Overview Crofthead Biogas processes up to 100,000 tonnes of slurries, cattle manure, energy crops and dairy residues and will generate 8MWh electrical power equivalent of gas. The majority of the feedstock comes from Crofthead farm, a large dairy farm, and the neighbouring farm, Auchengibbert, which is a large beef farm. The facility produces PAS110 […]
Brocklesby Biogas
Deal Overview Brocklesby Biogas was established in July 2016 and is operated by IMS. The facility is located adjacent to Brocklesby Ltd (“BL”) who provide the feedstock and are the offtake for the heat produced by the CHPs, with the electricity produced currently exported to the national grid. The facility was designed and constructed by […]