- In 2018 Iona Capital became a signatory to the UN PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) program, a United Nations reporting framework that benchmarks and rates ESG investment principles across a large number of companies and industries.
- 2018 was also Iona’s first voluntary UN PRI reporting year: our 2018 data and responses to the UN PRI queries were submitted in Spring 2019.
- In July 2019, Iona received their first official UN PRI ratings back, and were marked with “A” grades in all reportable categories!
- Iona is excited by their first marks and will strive to continue to align with the UN SDGs and the UN Principles for Responsible Investment in all of their investment activities both current and in the future.
- You can read the Public UN PRI Transparency Report for more specific details.
Kanadevia Inova takes majority stake in Dutch biomethane facility
Kanadevia Inova takes majority stake in Dutch biomethane facility Swiss-based greentech company announces its first investment in the country’s biogas sector, paving the way for