Deal Overview
Iona Capital invested in Gravel Pit Biogas in September 2015 and is operated by IMS. The facility injects over 2.6-2.9 million m3 per annum of biomethane into the local gas grid.
The AD plant was supplied by PlanET, a leading AD plant manufacturer that has completed over 400 biogas plants worldwide. The biogas is upgraded using Prodeval’s “Valopur” membrane system.
The project benefits from RHI for biomethane, RHI for heat and Renewable Obligation Certificates (“ROCs”), all of which are index-linked subsidies that are part of the government’s programme to support renewable energy projects in the UK. Digestate from the plant is used as bio-fertiliser by local farms.
Investment Name | Gravel Pit Biogas Ltd |
Location | Sand Hutton, North Yorkshire |
Deal Closed | September 2015 |
Technology | Anaerobic Digestion |
Carbon Savings | 1,180 Tonnes CO2e |
Iona Capital Ltd.
123 Pall Mall
London SW1Y 5EA