Green Gas in the UK – Where do we go from here?

There are now an estimated 675 AD plants in the UK generating green gas of which the majority supply biogas to CHP’s that generate electricity for grid export and heat. A smaller number, circa 100, inject the green gas directly into the gas grid after removing CO2. Gas to grid is the most efficient application […]
Carbon Capture: Technology Focus

There is no doubt that Energy from Waste (EfW) is a much-needed addition to processing municipal solid waste. There is still a vast quantity of refuse material that cannot be recycled due to there being no local separate collection mechanism in place for organic (kitchen) wastes, or because there are limitations in recycling technology both […]
Battery Storage Challenges and Opportunities

For the last three years, there has been growing interest within the infrastructure investment sector in energy storage systems, specifically electricity storage using batteries, so-called battery energy storage systems or BESS. This has been driven by a number of really interesting macro-level factors which have the potential to drive economic and social change on a […]