Sustainable Investment

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency covers a wide range of activities that reduce the amount of energy utilised (and the concurrent levels of carbon emissions) per unit of productive output. These activities can include more efficient energy generation, reduced losses associated with the transmission and distribution of energy and the re-engineering of processes themselves to utilise less energy.

Distributed Energy

Combined Heat and Power (“CHP”) is a well proven technology which converts natural gas into both electricity and heat in a single process. The engine is connected to an alternator to produce electricity and the heat is recovered from the engine. Tri-generation is also possible, whereby cooling is available.

Iona Capital provides businesses an efficient energy generation solution consisting of an on site CHP engine enabling a stable supply of lower cost heat and power. It also delivers environmental improvements by replacing less efficient heat generation or cooling systems thus lowering the business’ carbon footprints.

CHP systems are particularly attractive to businesses requiring heat, cooling and/or power for extended periods of time such as: Manufacturers, Cold Stores, Data Centres, Hotels, Process Plants, Leisure Centres

Distributed Energy Network

Combining local CHP systems with district heating systems to provide heat and power in, for example, industrial parks.

Installation and management of battery storage at local level and 'behind the meter' to provide resilience of supply, generate fee income and take advantage of arbitrage opportunities from market inefficiencies.

The rapid growth in electric vehicles (EVs) is driving a requirement of charging infrastructure. Opportunities will arise to fund the installation of this charging infrastructure where predictable yields can be secured.

A distributed energy network includes smaller scale natural gas and biomass CHPs co-located at client sites to provide an integrated and captive supply of heat and electricity to industrial and commercial energy users. This can be combined with other energy efficiency technologies (simple LED lighting, solar, energy storage and smart management systems) to deliver a holistic and packaged approach to optimising energy efficiency for a range of corporate and institutional customers.

The expansion of renewable energy in the UK is allied with greater intermittency of supply and increasingly disturbed energy systems. This, in turn creates a range of opportunities in environmental infrastructure investment. These include:

Solar Energy

Cheaper Cost

Cheaper cost of solar PV enhancing the investors’ return.


Long term corporate PPA providing a discount to retail prices for businesses while still being at a significant premium to wholesale price.

Strong Demand

Strong demand for local renewable energy generation helping businesses meet their CO2 emissions targets

Gov Support

Government support, such as business rates relief announced in the budget on 27 October 2021

Solar technologies convert sunlight into electrical energy either through photovoltaic (PV) panels or through mirrors that concentrate solar radiation.

*This energy can be used to generate electricity or be stored in batteries or thermal storage.